About JCSM
The Japanese Council of Science Museums (JCSM)
was founded in 1971 with the objective of improving science museum operations nationwide. JCSM is committed to strengthening liaison and cooperation among museums focusing on natural history or science and technology as well as general museums, science centers, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, planetariums and other institutions with natural history or science and technology departments, each with a mission to raise public interest in science. Today JCSM boasts some 230 full members, including natural history museums, science centers and others. JCSM also has more than 15 corporate sustaining members, providing valuable assistance with exhibit design and fabrication.About JCSM
JCSM offers its members a variety of services, such as training programs for everyone involved in the management of science museums and delivery of a wide range of topical and timely information.
I. Promoting Closer Relationship between Members
1.Regular meetings (June and February)
At its general meetings, JCSM reports on its operating plan and budget, and presents lectures on themes of special interest to museum personnel.
2.Research symposium (February)
At its general meetings, JCSM reports on its operating plan and budget, and presents lectures on themes of special interest to museum personnel.
3.Tours of new museums
Tours of newly opened science museums are organized in conjunction with the general meetings and research symposiums.
II. Training Opportunities
1.Curator Training (around October)
In corporation with National Museum of Nature and Science, JCSM provides a four-day program of specialized and practical training for curators. The program covers specimen collection and storage, research, exhibition, education and public relations.
2.Group tour of overseas science museums (around January)
JCSM organizes official 12-day tour to science museums overseas. These training sessions offer opportunities to observe in detail the management, exhibition techniques, education programs, and public relations of science museums around the world.
3.International study visits for young curators
Five young curators are selected on the basis of curriculum vitae and a written essay, to conduct 11-day study visits observing advanced museums overseas. Costs are paid in full by JCSM and outside funding.
III. Information Services
1.JCSM News (issued bi-monthly)
JCSM News is published bi-monthly in Jan., Mar., May., Jul., Sep., Nov., with special features on museum management, exhibitions, education, collection management, research and much more. This newsletter also offers valuable information on trends at overseas museum, and on special exhibitions or new display of member museums.
2.Latest updates on government policy
At general meetings and other events, JCSM provides members with the latest information on government policy regarding museum administration. The information comes from the Lifelong Learning Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the ministry in charge of administrative policy for museums.
3.Science Museum Net
JCSM collaborates in the operation of Science Museum Net, a service provided by the National Museum of Nature and Science.
IV. Collaboration in the Production of Traveling Exhibitions
JCSM works as a coordinator for traveling exhibitions produced by National Museum of Nature and Science, the Japan Science Society, and other organizations, cooperating in recruiting museums and in staging exhibitions. Participating museums are responsible for shipping and other costs, but the exhibits themselves are provided free, making this service extremely valuable in attracting visitors and heightening each museum’s profle.
For further information about JCSM, please contact:
Secretariat, Japanese Council of Science Museums
(Within the External Relations Division, National Museum of Nature and Science)
7-20 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8718
Tel : 03-5814-9863
Fax : 03-5814-9899
E-mail : info@jcsm.jp